How Bankruptcy Stops Creditor Harassment

Whether you’re just waking up in the morning or sitting around the table for a family dinner, the harassing phone calls can come at any time. Though there are legal protections for you and your family, creditor phone calls are harassing and never-ending. They’re continuously calling you about payments and make each call more threatening than the last. If creditor harassment is plaguing your phone lines, you can work with a St. Petersburg bankruptcy attorney to make it stop.

Stop Collections Calls

Filing for bankruptcy with the guidance and expertise of an attorney will stop collection efforts. Not only must your creditors stop harassing you, but you can also obtain a legal order through the court to require creditors to prevent calls and attempts to collect garnishments.

For many people, the relief from creditor harassment is as great as the relief from the debt itself. However, the fear of damaged credit deters them from filing for bankruptcy. While your credit score will be hurt throughr the debt problems that lead to your Chapter 7 Chapter 13 filing, the damages are repairable and your attorney has the expertise needed to help you move forward.

Aside from protecting your credit, your attorney works to protect your assets as well – both the physical and financial. You won’t have to worry about losing your home or your savings. You’ll enjoy the benefits of a fresh start without the risk of losing your assets. In fact, you might even be thrilled with the prospect of bankruptcy, since it can prevent foreclosure and repossession. Despite cultural misconceptions, bankruptcies are a tool that can help you stabilize your financial life and stop creditor harassment.

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